


Côtes de Bourg res
Organic wine certified by ECOCERT
About the Vineyard

Fruit for this “Côtes de Bourg” wine is sourced from several plots located on the warm, sunny, South-facing clay-gravel hills and plateau of the estate.


Winemaking and Tasting Notes

This rich gravelly soil, sprinkled with pebbles, gives birth to a deep and robust wine. It is the result of a skilful blend of Merlot, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon. Vatted for a relatively long time (around 25 days), it is then aged for a year in 1 to 5-year-old barrels.


Distinctive features

Full-bodied with bold tannins, this wine presents aromas of small red fruits, as well as subtle hints of wood. Its complex mouthfeel and firm tannin structure will complement your most flavourful meats. Les Cailloux des Blais will delight those who appreciate well-structured Bordeaux wines.



• 75 cl bottle : Preference

• Back Label (customisable)

• 6 or 12-bottle lay-flat boxes

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